Chamber and Partners celebrating Waste Reduction Month

October is Waste Reduction Month and The Town of Truro, in partnership with the Downtown Truro Partnership, The Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce and Colchester Waste Resource Management have teamed up to run an awareness campaign to "Reduce Single Use" during the month of October in Truro and Colchester County.
There will be a variety of initiatives that occur during the month, however we are running a social media campaign, asking YOU, the Business Community, to publicly proclaim how you plan to reduce your use throughout the month. Here's how it works...
1. Choose a waste reduction initiative that works for you and your business and set a goal for the month of October! Examples would include eliminating the use of plastic bags & straws, requesting that suppliers use less packaging, reduce plastic coffee and tea pods in the staff room, etc.
2. Let us know what your initiative is and we will come to you to take a picture of the business owner(s) or employee(s) with a written statement of what you initiative is!
3. These photos will be shared on 4 different social media platforms: The Town of Truro, Downtown Truro Partnership, The TC Chamber of Commerce and Colchester Waste Resource Management's Facebook and Instagram pages. We plan on highlighting 20 different businesses throughout the month - one per day, Monday - Friday during October!
4. The goal is to raise awareness to the general public and encourage them to take on initiatives of their own through an online pledge!
5. If you'd like to take part in this campaign, please email [email protected] no later than Monday, September 30th and let us know how you plan on reducing single use!

Chamber to host federal election candidates’ debate 2019


News Release


September 25, 2019


Chamber to host election candidates’ debate

TRURO – The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a debate Oct. 2 for federal candidates in the Cumberland-Colchester.

“Hosting a candidates’ debate is an opportunity to bring important topics to the forefront during an election period, as well as to ask questions on issues identified by our members and to receive real-time answers,” said Chamber President Ron Smith.

The debate will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 6 p.m. at Cumming Hall, 62 Cumming Drive, Dalhousie University Alumni Theatre, Bible Hill. It is open to the public and there is no cost to attend.

The chamber recognizes there may be eight or more candidates running in the riding, however, the debate will include Scott Armstrong, Conservative; Jason Blanch, Green Party; Larry Duchesne, NDP; Lenore Zann, Liberal; and William (Bill) Archer, People’s Party of Canada.

“While we acknowledge there are emerging parties and platforms, our debate will include candidates that meet the criteria of the Chamber’s Election Activities policy,” said Smith. “We are aware there are candidates in the Cumberland-Colchester riding that will not be represented on the panel as a result of the criteria.”

The Chamber’s Election Activities policy outlines the following criteria for participation in its federal election debate: have at least one MP elected under the party’s banner; and at least one of the two following items, intend to run candidates in at least 90 per cent of the country’s ridings or have captured at least four per cent of the votes in the previous election.

Smith said the Chamber is extending an invitation to meet with any candidate in the Cumberland-Colchester riding to discuss the Chamber’s advocacy priorities for the business community.

People may submit debate questions in advance of the event to the Chamber via email to [email protected]

Nominate an outstanding business - Chamber awards Oct. 23

For Immediate Release

Sept. 6, 2019

Call for nominations for the 2019 Small Business Week Awards

TRURO –Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is gearing up to celebrate the many outstanding businesses in this region with a week of activities including award presentations.

“The Chamber is very excited to showcase our thriving local business community during Small Business Week,” said Executive Director Sherry Martell.

“Along with recognizing the dedication and determination of our many locally owned businesses, we have organized a week of activities to offer support for businesses and networking opportunities to help them make new connections.”

The Chamber is now accepting nominations for the following small business awards: New Small Business of the Year, sponsored by Community Credit Union; Small Business Achievement, sponsored by PWC; Export Achievement Award sponsored by NSBI; Small Business Innovation, sponsored by RBC; Excellence in Community Development Award sponsored by the Town of Truro; Agriculture/ Agri Small Business Award, sponsored by MNP LLP; and Small Business Growth Award, sponsored by BDC.


Along with these awards, the Chamber will also present its third annual Start-Up Legacy Award Investing in Entrepreneurs provided in partnership with several of its members. The award is valued at more than $5,000 including a combination of cash, expertise in key business development areas and products and services.

“This award is an example of how chamber of commerce members are investing in the local economy by supporting a start-up with mentorship and advice as well as seed funding to take their venture to another level,” said Chamber President Ron Smith.

The award is designed to offer support to a budding local entrepreneur. Smith said the professional mentorship offered as part of the award is key in helping a new business build a strong foundation for success in the future.

A viable start-up located within Truro and Colchester region, a business that is just beginning to develop, will be identified through a submission selection process. The award recipient will receive a one-time $2,500 cash prize as well as in-kind supports, products and services, from our partnering businesses Caldwell Roach Insurance, Burchell MacDougall Lawyers, Colchester Printing Co., Alliance HR Consulting Services, Atkinsons Accounting, White LeBlanc Wealth Planners– Hollis Wealth, CBDC- NoBL and Hub Now.

The Chamber is now welcoming submissions for its awards. Details and criteria can be found on the Chamber’s website Nominations for the Small Business Week Awards will be accepted by the Chamber until Sept. 30/19.

Chamber events are open to members and future members.  Join them in supporting the local business community. For more information about Chamber activities and events, visit or Truro Colchester Chamber Facebook page.



Legacy award –link

Award nominations link

Download a form:


2019 Small Business Award nominations open

2019 Small Business Award nominations are currently being accepted in the following categories:


Note: Qualifying businesses must employ less than 100 people.


New Small Business of the Year, sponsored by Community Credit Union

Criteria: The New Small Business of the Year award recognizes a Truro or Colchester County business person whose dream of opening their own business has earned them the title of “Start-Up Entrepreneur” over the past year. Their business must have shown innovation and they must be offering a product or service that’s unique to Truro and Colchester County.


Small Business Achievement, sponsored by PWC

Criteria: The Small Business Achievement Award recognizes a local entrepreneur who has been in business more than 10 years and demonstrates new product or service achievements, business growth and a commitment to their community.


Export Achievement, sponsored by Nova Scotia Business Inc.

Criteria: The Exporter of the Year award will recognize a Truro or Colchester County business that has demonstrated excellence in exporting outside of Nova Scotia, has achieved noticeable growth as a result of entering the global marketplace, and has made a significant contribution to the growth to the local economy.


Small Business Innovation, sponsored by RBC

Criteria: The Small Business Innovation Award will recognize a Truro or Colchester County entrepreneur who has been in business for more than five years, who is continually modifying to demonstrate innovative leadership through the use of technology, development of new or value-added products and services and improved productivity. Those nominated for this innovation award portray community spirit and generosity towards clients past, present and future by consistently supporting community causes and grow employment in the local area.


Excellence in Community Development award sponsored by the Town of Truro.

Criteria: The Excellence in Community Development award will recognize a business or social enterprise that has made significant and notable contributions to their community (cultural, social, environmental and/or economic) and that serves as a catalyst for positive action, exhibiting the highest standards of leadership.


Agriculture/ Agri Small Business Award, sponsored by MNP LLP

Criteria: Recognizes an individual, group or organization or business where the principles of running a successful agricultural or related operation are applied and result in a thriving and environmentally friendly endeavour. The enterprise must derive more than 50 per cent of its annual revenue from agricultural related activities.


Small Business Growth Award, sponsored by BDC

Recognizes a business that has been in operation for more than two years demonstrating growth in a measurable way such as expansion, increased customers, new employees, new products.


How to submit a nomination:


Nomination forms are available from the chamber office at 605 Prince St. (Marigold Cultural Centre), Truro; online at and the Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce Facebook page.

Print the form, fill it in, scan/email it  to [email protected] or drop it off at the chamber office in a sealed envelope. Nominations will be accepted until Sept. 30, 2019


When will the awards be presented?

The award luncheon will be held at the Holiday Inn on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2019 beginning at noon.


Fill in the nomination form online by clicking HERE

Download a PDF:



Legacy Award for start-ups - click HERE

Fall in Love with Small Business Expo being held in October

The Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Truro Partnership are collaborating to host a fun, fall-themed Small Business Expo to showcase our awesome small business community.
October 16, 4-7 PM | Best Western Glengarry
Registration Deadline: October 8, 2019
Exhibitors are encouraged to incorporate a fall theme into their booth décor, displays, as well as highlight their fall services, merchandise, foods, etc. To make the event extra festive, exhibitors are asked to bring a precarved jack-o-lantern as we will be hosting a contest to award the most creative design of the day.

Chamber hosting breakfast with taxpayers Ombudsman

For immediate release

August 12, 2019

Chamber hosting breakfast with taxpayers Ombudsman

TRURO – Influencing positive change to the service provided by the Canada Revenue Agency, along with improving their accountability will be a focus of an upcoming breakfast with the Taxpayers’ Ombudsman.

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce will host Taxpayers’ Ombudsman Sherra Profit on Aug. 30 at the Best Western Glengarry at 8 a.m.

Profit will also discuss the complaint process, taxpayer rights and answer questions.

The cost for breakfast is $20, plus HST, for members or $25, plus HST for non-members.

To RSVP, contact the Chamber office at 902-895-6328 or email [email protected] . The deadline to book a seat is Aug. 26.

Chamber receives national support in lobby to keep RCMP jobs in Truro

For immediate release

August 12, 2019

Chamber receives national support in lobby to keep RCMP jobs in Truro

TRURO –  The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce has received support from both the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Atlantic  Chamber of Commerce in its lobby to retain about 55 RCMP jobs in Truro.

Last month, in response to the RCMP’s plan to move its Truro Operational Communications Centre to Halifax Regional Municipality by February 2021, the three business organizations, along with Millbrook First Nation, submitted a joint letter to Bernadette Jordon, Minister of Rural and Economic Development. The letter calls on Jordan to demonstrate that a complete analysis, including the economic impact on Truro if the move proceeds, has been undertaken.

“Failing that, we are asking that the government work with the RCMP to halt its plans to move the Centre until an impact analysis is completed, along with undertaking  meaningful effort to engage with community partners to examine solutions to retain these jobs in Truro,” said Ron Smith, President of the Truro and Colchester chamber.

“We have spoken with several key stakeholders in the community who have offered what we believe to be valid solutions to retaining these jobs, however, there is a frustrating lack of communication between the community and the RCMP, as well as government officials in their capacity to assist in this matter.”

The letter, which was sent to Jordon on July 11, as well as Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Cumberland-Colchester MP Bill Casey, has gone unanswered.

The letter expresses concern over the “impression of a lack of transparency in – and plausible rationale for - the decision to move the Centre” and asks Jordan to provide a credible explanation of why this decision is being made.

“In this election year, small communities throughout Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada and the entire country will be looking for proof that your government is true to the words in all Ministers’ mandate letters, i.e., ‘Canadians need to have faith in their government’s honesty and willingness to listen.’ They will also be asking, ‘It’s Truro this time, are we next?’,” the letter said.

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce represents more than 450 members and has been the recognized voice of business in this region for 129 years on economic, political and social matters impacting business.


Letter to Minister Jordan re Truro RCMP call centre July 11


Chamber actively lobbying to retain RCMP jobs in Truro

June 6, 2019

News release

Chamber actively lobbying to retain RCMP jobs in Truro

TRURO – Retaining and attracting good paying jobs in this region is a priority for the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber has been actively lobbying the RCMP, along with federal and provincial officials, to retain approximately 55 jobs at its Operational Communication Centre in Truro.

“While the loss of 55 jobs from Colchester region is gravely concerning, we are also concerned the RCMP plan to cluster the two largest police communications 911 systems together with "H" Division Headquarters within a few blocks in Dartmouth is putting Nova Scotian’s in a position of unnecessary risk,” said Chamber President Ron Smith.

He said Chamber’s lobbying efforts began last spring as soon as their office was made aware that the RCMP planned to transfer operations from Truro to the Halifax Regional Municipality by February 2021.

Since that time, the Chamber has held several meetings with elected officials at all levels of government to voice concerns about the move, as well as writing to Public Safety Minster Ralph Goodale and RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki.


“Centralizing the positions in HRM simply contributes to the undermining of rural Nova Scotia,” said Smith.


The Chamber received a letter from A/Commr. Lee Bergerman, Commanding Officer of “H” Division, RCMP NS, in which he cited employee health and safety, operational requirements and fiscal responsibility as reasons for the move.

“The senior management team, myself included, did not take this decision lightly,” wrote Bergerman. “This is why we asked for a comprehensive assessment of the options prior to moving forward with a decision.”

Smith said more questions surrounding the RCMPs decision have been raised after reviewing a Critical Ranking Chart and Financial Costing Chart received from Cumberland-Colchester MP Bill Casey through an Access to Information request.

Smith said they are awaiting the results of the recently announced independent review of the RCMP’s plan to relocate.

“The Chamber will continue to lobby to keep these jobs in the area,” said Smith. “That is the reason Chamber’s exist. To advocate on issues in the best interest of our members. It goes way beyond the impact of the loss of these worker’s salaries, the trickle-down effect will be far reaching.”

The Truro & Colchester chamber has engaged chambers from across Nova Scotia and the Atlantic Chamber of Commerce to assist with lobby efforts.

Smith said the decision is completely at odds with the federal government's 2015 campaign platform commitment to “strengthen our communities by investing in the things that make them good places to live.”

“It is difficult to understand why this move is being forced on a community when the government’s own information demonstrates the move makes little sense in terms of service enhancement or benefit to the taxpayer.”


Creating a healthy economy and retaining jobs in Colchester County is a foundational pillar for the Chamber which has been serving the area since 1890.


Smith invites people to reach out to Chamber anytime to learn about its advocacy efforts.


Media Contact:

Sherry Martell

Executive Director

Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce



Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce announces 2019 gala award finalists

News release

April 10, 2019

Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce announces 2019 gala award finalists

TRURO – The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce its 2019 gala award finalists.

Kohltech, Windows and Entrance Systems, has been selected as the recipient of the Community Credit Union Business Excellence Award and Ron Meech of Meech Holdings Ltd., has been selected as the BDC Business Person of the Year.

“Kohltech Windows and Entrance Systems and Ron Meech have contributed greatly to the local economy and are leaders in the business community,” said Chamber President Ron Smith. “We are pleased to recognize these two outstanding businesses and we invite the business community to join us in honouring their contributions.

“It was a difficult decision for the judging committee to select the 2019 award recipients given the high-quality nominations received. It was an honour to have an opportunity to review the nominations which highlight amazing things that are being driven by business in the area.”

The awards will be presented on April 25 during the Chamber’s 129th annual gala dinner celebration at the Holiday Inn. Everyone is invited to celebrate the accomplishments of local business at the Chamber’s gala, which is open to members and future members. Tickets cost $50 plus tax for members and $60 plus tax for future members. To reserve seats by April 17, call the Chamber office at 902-895-6328, or  email [email protected].

The Community Credit Union Business Excellence Award recognizes leadership achieving demonstrated growth in sales, workforce investment, community involvement, support of the local business community, innovation and job creation.

The BDC Business Person of the Year Award acknowledges a founder, owner, CEO, president or manager who has achieved significant success showing strong leadership skills contributing to the growth of the business.

Nominations for the Chamber awards were open to all businesses in Truro and Colchester County.


Media Contact:

Sherry Martell

Executive Director

Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce


[email protected]


Nominate an outstanding business for a gala award

Links to online nomination forms:
Link to online application-BDC Business Person of the Year

Link to online application – Community Credit Union Business Excellence Award

Click links below to download a PDF

Business Person of the Year Nomination Form19

ccc Business Excellence Award nom form19