Chamber launches E-commerce 2.0


The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce recognizes the deep struggles many traditional businesses have faced during the recent COVID-19 pandemic operating from traditional bricks and mortar locations.

Not only have they faced great challenges in staying connected with customers, many have been impacted by great financial losses. There is an immediate need to assist our small business community in moving into virtual service platforms to carry out E-Commerce. Consumer habits have shifted and the Chamber is working hard to support businesses to be prepared to serve customers in new ways that will increase profitability, raise confidence and help them rebound.

The Chamber is extending  a project, supported by ACOA, to assist businesses in supplying existing customers and creating new markets by selling online. Our goal is to support small businesses in using E-commerce to their advantage in a way that fits their business model, as well as support businesses currently engaging in E-Commerce to enhance their services or streamline processes.

We will also be offering educational workshops, both in person and online, on a number of E-commerce related topics.

We look forward to working with you to expand E-commerce offerings in the community.


Eligibility Criteria for applicants:

  • Operating for more than 12 months
  • Registered with the Registry of Joint Stocks or comparable federal body
  • Has not already received direct financial support from the Chamber's E-commerce project from June 2020-March 2021 to set up online sales.

Eligible Expenses

  • Training and coaching related to the operation of the selected online platform.
  • Professional services to assist with the set up of an online platform to allow for sales to customers.
  • Enhancements of existing websites, i.e. support to add widgets or plug ins as outlined in the Needs Assessment along with an explanation on how they would enhance online platforms

The program can provide a reimbursement of up to 100 per cent of the eligible costs (pre HST) up to a maximum amount per business. This amount is based on the results of the applicant’s Needs Assessment completed by one of the four Chamber-recommended E-Commerce and marketing professionals as assigned by the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce project manager.

The Chamber is not responsible for covering the cost of registration for online shopping platforms, ongoing costs related to specific platforms or the volume of sales generated. The Chamber is also not responsible for covering the cost of on-going training, maintenance, equipment or software, or any changes requested that differ from the original submitted assessment for consideration if they are a greater cost than the estimate

Project funding and payments are limited to the funds available in the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce E-Commerce project budget.

This funding is not guaranteed. Any applicant commencing a project prior to approval does so at their own risk.

FREE Rapid COVID-19 testing available for business

Sign up Today for FREE Workplace Rapid Screening
The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness to offer FREE rapid COVID-19 testing for business. This simplified program is easy to navigate and report test results. For more information on the program contact the chamber office, 902-895-6328 or email Executive Director Sherry Martell, [email protected]
Businesses that have previously registered for the Rapid Workplace Testing program are encouraged to reach out to the Chamber to learn about the simplified, newly implemented process.
Businesses participating with receive a decal to display at their place of business and letter of recognition from the Province. Creating visible symbols of the prevalence of testing throughout the Nova Scotian community will aid in building consumer confidence.

Patio Lanterns Live Music Funding Program is open

Patio Lanterns Live Music Funding Program

Calling all restaurants and bars to be part of this exciting province wide event. The Patio Lanterns Live Music Funding Program is a program for venues to apply for financial support for booking live music programming and activations throughout the summer and fall of 2021 as part of the Patio Lanterns Festival. Have some fun with this and offer specials drinks, menus, etc.

The Patio Lanterns Festival kicks off July 14 and is ongoing until October 11. Please read on for more information and how you can get involved.

The goal of the event is to have funded performers at existing bars and restaurant patios across the province and The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is pleased to partner with  DEANS in helping distribute the funding in our region.

You don’t have to have a patio to participate, indoor performances may be included as well. There will be a maximum of 5 funded acts per venue and venues will receive a promotion kit to help promote the overall festival.

Please note, not all applicants will receive funding.  All live shows will be listed on the patio lanterns website and will be promoted on the site as well.

For eligibility and criteria and to apply click here.

For information on the festival and FAQ click on this link

Application Deadline. All applications must be submitted by

Friday, July 16, 2021 at 5:00 pm ADT.

Successful applicants will be informed as quickly as possible following the submission deadline.


Patio Lanterns Live Music Funding Program | Coastal Nova Scotia

Chamber Biannual Newsletter

The Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce have release there biannual Newsletter.

Topics covered:

  • E-commerce 2.0 Project
  • President's Message
  • Advocacy
  • Project Promotions
  • Virtual Gala & Awards
  • Events

View the newsletter here.

NS government releases reopening plan

Phase 1
Begins June 2, 2021 | Target: 50% of population one dose coverage
We are entering this phase because COVID-19 cases and hospitalization
numbers continue to decrease.
Testing Continues
• Informal gathering limit outdoors is consistent social group of 10, household only
• Initiate passenger testing at Stanfield International Airport.
• Outdoor patios open with 2 metres between tables and a maximum of 10 people
(close social bubble) per table. Masks required except when eating and drinking.
• Travel permitted between communities in Nova Scotia – except HRM and CBRM.
• Public and private schools open following Back to School Plan. Schools in HRM
(and surrounding communities) and Sydney and Riverview families of schools will
remain in at-home learning for now.
• All retail businesses open at 25% with public health measures like distancing
and masks.
• Outdoor patios open with 2 metres between tables and a maximum of 10 people per
table. Masks required except when eating and drinking.
• Outdoor faith services can have 10 people or drive-in services (no indoor services).
• Weddings and funerals can have 5 people indoors or 10 outdoors, plus officiants
(no receptions).
• Professional artists, musicians, dancers and actors can rehearse with 15 people
without distancing or masks indoors. Amateurs can rehearse in groups of 10 people
without distancing or masks outdoors. No in-person performances.
• Sports practices can have groups of 10 people without distancing or masks
outdoors (no games).
• Gyms, fitness, and sport and recreation facilities can have outdoor programs with
groups of 10 people and one-on-one personal training indoors.
• Personal services open by appointment only (no services that require a client’s
mask to be off).
• Open provincial park campgrounds.
• Private campgrounds can operate following sector plan
(distance between campsites)
• Family visits outdoors with fully vaccinated long-term care residents.


Download info graphic HERE

Reopening Safely - Infographic WEB- 1

Shop local message from our President

A message from the President

Support local. We’ve heard this term so often and so much recently. It is so important. But how about we “Really Support Local?”

I am pleased support the efforts of our Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce, along with the Pictou County Chamber of Commerce and Amherst and Area Chamber of Commerce, collectively coming together in recent days to send a letter voicing dire concern on behalf of business to our Premier, MLAs, Ministers and Deputy Ministers. Advocacy is a big part of what a Chamber does. We are the voice of business to all levels of government. And right now, we are standing on top of a mountain yelling “HELP.”  Saving small business is essential and some flexibility on the restrictions burdening small business has to happen. So, while we at the Chamber continue to say “please help us” to government, here’s where I come back to the words, “Let’s Really Support Local.”

In general, we know what support local means but it has never been more important to ask ourselves, “Can you and I play a bigger role?” We are told to stay home, so I ask, is it easier just to log in on line and give your money to companies not based in our local community and have a product delivered right to our door?  Before hitting the checkout button on the shopping site of an international company, can we take a second and ask another very important question, would this be available right now in Colchester County? Is it stocked or made right here at home and could my hard-earned money go so much further than just the convenience of a package dropped off on my doorstep with a knock? With all the revenues sent far outside our county with no local spin-off benefits

Let’s change our mindset to ask these questions instead, “Could I call a local business today? Could I check out their website and find out about their non-contact options? Could I have a terrific experience doing so and then pass along that community positively to my neighbours and friends through text or Facebook chat?

Friends, we are going to have to be part of the economic solution. We will be a part of the long-term recovery plan, not only for ourselves, but for small business.

“We are all in this together.” You bet we are. Every person making a purchase decision is choosing to invest in their home community, or not when they buy from local businesses or another province or continents away. In five years, 10 years, or 20 or more years, we want the same local businesses thriving with opportunities and even more business owners seeing our area as vibrant and supportive so more come and set up here.  Choose to make an effort to seek what you need locally instead of going 50 minutes down the highway to big centres, or online with national brands who have no ties to our community.

Political support for business and grants will come and go. Some good. Some not enough. That we can’t control. What we can control is us.  Our behaviours, who we support, how we log online to shop and we can REALLY Support Local.  I know I will. I know we all must do everything we can right now to support our businesses.

Thank you,

Matthew Mossman

President, Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce

Download our 2021 Member 2 Member flyer!

Do you or your employees take advantage of our Member-2-Member discount program? You should!

Take a look at our M2M discounts below and save big! Just another way for Chamber membership to save you money.

View the M2M flyer here.

Lack of budget support to help business rebound amid pandemic concerning for local chamber

For immediate release

March 25, 2021

 Lack of budget support to help business rebound amid pandemic concerning for local chamber


TRURO – While no new fees for service or increased taxes were tabled in Nova Scotia’s budget Thursday, the lack of support to assist business rebound is a concern for the local Chamber.


Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce President Matthew Mossman said the budget ‘A Fair and Prosperous Future: Path to Balance,’ missed the mark in addressing support for those best positioned to drive the province’s economy as we continue to navigate a global pandemic.


“We had expected to see increased investment in rural supports such as highspeed internet, more direct support for business, especially in the hardest hit sectors, and greater investments to encourage participation in the workforce by women,” said Mossman “The COVID-19 crisis has disproportionately affected women in the province.”


The president recognizes that the employment gap between pre-COVID-19 and present closed in February, however, women in the workforce were greatly impacted by job losses that have been slow to recover.


“We can learn from this pandemic, identify opportunities and work together to prevent employment gaps of this nature in the future.”


He applauds the new $12.3 million investment in additional Mental Health programming; however, he feels efforts toward physician recruitment should also have been identified as a priority. Mossman said recent numbers provided to the Chamber by Nova Scotia Health Authority officials, indicate there are about 12,000 people in the Truro Colchester region that do not have an assigned family physician.


“That is a startling number of people on waiting lists in a time when access to health care is top of mind for everyone,” said the President.


He also notes variances from the previous budget year which include a reduction in funding for the Department of Agriculture, about $1.46 million, Tourism Nova Scotia’s budget was reduced by $586,000, and the former Department of Business, now the Department of Inclusive Economic Growth, is showing a budget reduction of nearly $23.4 million, despite the transfer of responsibilities from other departments such as Regional Enterprise Network funding previously managed by the Department of Municipal Affairs and Services, and Housing.


Mossman said those sectors are extremely important to our regional economy. The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce will be further reviewing the budget in the coming days to better understand the roles and budgets of the new and realigned departments. The Chamber will also seek clarity on the creation of 142 new positions in Nova Scotia’s government departments in the past 12 months, about 50 COVID-19 related.


“It is extremely concerning that Nova Scotia is predicting a $585 million deficit but we are in a better position than many other provinces across Canada,” said Mossman. “Government must remain vigilant in holding the line on taxes and ensuring fiscal responsibility is always front of mind. We must stay focused on economic recovery and ensure our business community remains strong to drive that forward.”


He said the Chamber looks forward to working with the new Department of Inclusive Economic Growth as the government attempts a return to balance in the next four years amid many potential risks tied to the pandemic.


The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce represents more than 450 members and has been the recognized voice of business in this region for 131 years on economic, political and social matters impacting business.



Media contact:

Sherry Martell

Executive Director

Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce


[email protected]


News release from Atlantic Chamber of Commerce

ACC Press Release_2021 NS Budget Reaction_March 25-21_FINAL

AGM 131- New president sets sights on membership growth amid global pandemic

March 24, 2021

News release

New president sets sights on membership growth amid global pandemic

More than $225,000 invested into rural economy in 2020

TRURO - Growing membership will be a key focus of the Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce in the coming year.

During the Chamber’s 131st Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday (March 24), President Elect Matthew Mossman addressed about 50 people joining the online forum, sharing that growth in membership is key to the organization’s future sustainability.

“Like any business, we need to have a plan to sustain…we must look at growing our membership,” said Mossman. “When you introduce yourself to another business person, please let them know you’re with the Chamber. You never know where the conversation may lead.”

This was the first time in history the Annual General Meeting was held online rather than in person, due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Mossman said that the pandemic has had an impact on the local business community and the Chamber is ready, willing and able to continue to provide assistance.

“Help for business is still needed today and will be for some time,” said the newly elected President. “We have a wonderful group of people coming onto our board with experience, knowledge and love for our community to help achieve our goals.”

Outgoing President Ron Smith concluded his second, one-year term in the position, amid the pandemic. He acknowledged business faced unprecedented challenges in 2020, but added that hard work and creative, collaborative spirit continues to propel the Truro Colchester region towards new heights.

“Never have I been as proud to be associated with the Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce, as I have been over the past year,” said the outgoing President. “The Chamber staff, Executive, volunteer Board members and stakeholders have truly stepped up to demonstrate what support for business is all about.”

Smith said the Chamber reacted quickly to support business throughout the pandemic including being a reliable source of information and connecting people with supports they needed.

The chamber currently has more than 450 members and is the second largest Chamber in Nova Scotia.

During 2020, the Chamber co-ordinated projects related to tourism, economic development, mentorship and E-commerce directly investing more than $225,000 into the local community in support of business.

“Through creative program development, funding was awarded to allow the Chamber to financially support local businesses that either had no online presence or needed to improve their online shopping processes,” said Smith.  “A game changer for many, including at least one business more than 100 years old, proving we all adapt to survive, with a little help.”

The newly elected President, Mossman, a sales manager with Truro-based Bell Media, and Past President Smith, Manager of Business Development, at Old Fletcher Farm Property Limited, a division of Masstown Market Limited, will be joined on the Executive Committee by Vice-President Karen Baillie, owner of Elegant Steps; Second Vice-President Carole Fisher, owner of Ditch Doctor Drainage Solutions; Treasurer Cyndi MacLean, senior accountant, MacQuarries Pharmasave; and Solicitor George White, managing partner, Patterson Law.

The elected directors are: Julie Taylor, owner of Skin Decision; Phil Smith, assistant manager Home Hardware Stores Ltd., Eastern Dealer Support Center; Vonda Hazzard, owner NovelTea Bookstore Café; Andrew Lake, project manager, Will-Kare Paving; Fran Grant, realtor with Remax; Glen MacKenzie, operations manager, AEL Millwright Services; Eric Tanton, senior wealth advisor, Scotia Mcleod, The Tanton Group, a division of Scotia Capital Inc.; Christian Thompson, general manager Truro Nissan; Doug MacInnes, regional sales manager, Wilsons Heating and Heidi Sponagle, director of sales Inn on Prince Hotel and Conference Centre.

For more information about Chamber programs and services visit


Media Contact:

Sherry Martell

Executive Director

Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce



Cutlines: Sherry Martell, Executive Director of the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce and President Matthew Mossman participated in the organization’s 131st Annual General Meeting on March 24, held online for the first time in history. Submitted Photo


Cutlines: Matthew Mossman, sales manager with Truro-based Bell Media, was elected President of the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce at its AGM on Wednesday (March 24). The meeting was held online with about 50 members participating. Submitted Photo

Biodiversity Act has potential to impact landowner's rights


Letter-Premier-Bill 4-follow up-032621

March 15, 2021

In recent weeks, we have had discussions with members, neighbouring Chambers of Commerce and other organizations expressing concerns about a proposed Biodiversity Act, Bill No. 4, that has received First and Second Reading in the Nova Scotia Legislature.

Letter-Premier Rankin-March15-21-Biodiversity

Read the Proposed Biodiversity Act, Bill 4, Here:

Nova Scotia Legislature - Bill 4 - Biodiversity Act (


Some have expressed serious concern that the proposed Act poses a threat to private-landowner rights by granting the Minister broad and unprecedented authority over activities that can be carried out on privately owned land.


The Concerned Private Landowners Coalition now has a website and twitter feed:

See fact sheet from the Cumberland Forestry Advisory Committee

Biodiversity Fact Sheet

NS Biodiversity Act Summary (004)

We encourage members to reach out to Sherry Martell, [email protected] to share their thoughts on the proposed Act or to express their concerns in writing to the Premier, the Minister of Lands and Forestry and their local MLAs.

Download a Template Letter to Personalize to Submit your Concerns to government


Template letter -Biodiversity-March 15

Truro -Colchester Government Contacts

Queens-Shelburn MLA Kim Masland speaks about the Bill during the second reading in the legislature on March 13th expressing concerns about the broad authority and unprecedented power that the Bill will give the Minister and the Government

2021-03-12_masland-biodiversity.mp4 - 031221_masland-biodiversity.mp4 -

“The Biodiversity Act as it has been introduced will give the Minister the power to potentially stop and restrict management on land that is privately owned,” Kim Masland, Queens-Shelburn MLA


Stories about the ACT in the News:

March 11, 2021, Chronicle Herald

Hybrid legislature in Nova Scotia gets down to work, revised biodiversity bill introduced | Provincial | News | The Chronicle Herald


Nova Scotia government brings back Biodiversity Act, CBC

March 11, 2021


CTV, March 11, 2021

Nova Scotia tables revised biodiversity bill, modifications to Crown Lands Act | CTV News