Task Force on Economic Development

Chamber to Spearhead Economic Task Force for Central Nova Scotia

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce has agreed to spearhead a task force aimed at revamping or replacing the Colchester Regional Development Agency.  (CoRDA)

At a meeting of business and political leaders this morning, a consensus was formed to:

  • work together for cooperation and continuity in economic development across Colchester, Truro, Millbrook and Stewiacke
  • build upon existing infrastructure, possibly examining the re-making of CoRDA’s services into an agency for the future
  • issue a call for a joint meeting of the Towns of Truro and Stewiacke as well as Colchester County to come together and build a real consensus with the help of a Chamber-led task force of business and community leaders
  • investigate the best way to access provincial money that’s been set aside to help the process
  • hold an economic summit in September to make it all happen, before access to provincial money is no longer available


Chamber  President  Mike Michaud is pleased with the crowd of established business people and younger entrepreneurs who took part in the two-hour Town Hall-style meeting at the Dal-AC Campus this morning.  There was also a good showing of local and provincial political leaders.

Michaud says one notable absence was Colchester County Mayor Bob Taylor, but he’s hoping that absence can be changed in the days ahead.

“It’s kind of shocking that Bob Taylor chose not to participate in such an important event,” says Michaud.  “However, there were several Colchester County Councillors on hand today, who I’m sure will carry the message to Colchester’s Mayor that we’d like to work with him. “

Michaud is concerned that a provincial election call this fall could wipe out any promised money to help build upon the economic success that CoRDA and others have achieved over the past two decades for this region.

Michaud says the clock is ticking, and it’s time all political and business leaders got in the game.

“The time for finger-pointing and territorialism is over.  A region with all the advantages that Colchester County, its towns and Millbrook has to offer shows we need to come together to take advantage of the growth that lies ahead,” he says.  “With only 52,000 people, we’re not large enough to continually divide ourselves and miss out on provincial money that’s designated to help us.”  (Regional Enterprise Network funding ear-marked this year by the Province of Nova Scotia)

The Task force of business and community leaders expects to hold its first meeting next week, to begin planning for a multi-municipal business summit in September.

Economic Summit

July 8, 2013

TRURO – The Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce is inviting business and political leaders to a collaborative meeting designed to come up with a solid economic development plan for the Truro-Colchester Region.

In order to take action on the opportunities that lie ahead, Chamber President Mike Michaud and his board members are planning an “Economic Summit Meeting”, which will be held this Thursday, July 11th at the NSAC Alumni Theatre, located in Cumming Hall, from 8 am until 10 am.

“As business leaders, we’re concerned about the path our municipal government partners are planning to take in order to further the kinds of business training, business and events attraction and immigration success stories that have been key to our growth,” says Michaud.  “Most of that success has been spearheaded by CoRDA (The Colchester Regional Development Agency) over the past 2 decades, and with CoRDA’s future up in the air, it’s sending the wrong signal.   We need a solid plan to make sure these services stay within the community.  Our future growth depends on that. “

The Chamber has spent the past three weeks speaking with business leaders, municipal politicians and provincial players in the economic development field.

Michaud says he’s getting the thumbs up from key players that it’s time to hold a meeting that will bring everyone together in order to chart a solid course for our economic future.

Chamber Past-President Don Hay says he wants to emphasize the importance of Thursday’s event, “as we work together to chart a course for sustained and planned growth in Truro and Colchester County.”


For more information,

Mike Michaud – 986-2888

Don Hay – 890-8293

Employment Information

Information on Employee Attraction, Engagement and Retention

The main issue we hear from our members on a consistent basis is that they are having difficulty attracting, engaging and retaining employees. Because of this, the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce started the "Employment Committee a few months back in an attempt to address this issue. The committee--comprised of business owners (Members of the Chamber) and representatives from community-based organizations such as CareerworksNova and the Department of Community Services--decided one of the first things that was needed was a survey of a sampling of the local workforce to determine more about their wants, needs and expectations so we could pass along this information to employers. It is important for empoyers to know what current and potential employees want before attempting to give it to them. The survey, which contained 11 basic questions, can be found by clicking here. A report on the results can be found here (both are in pdf format and Adobe Reader is required to open them). A total of 64 people from the Colchester area who are currently looking for employment filled out this survey.The results speak for themselves. Pay is not the most important aspect of a job for most people, it is "enjoying the work." It is also worth nothing that enjoying the work is about more than the actual physical job that a person does, it's about feeling comfortable in the atmosphere, feeling valued and not being made to feel irrelevant or replaceable at the drop of a hat.
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Advertising Opportunities with the Chamber

Hey New Chamber Members, our new “business services” link allows each new chamber member to access a one-week FREE posting on this section of our site.  Then, if you like the response, you can stay on this link for only $15 per week or $50 per month.  E-mail your special offer to ed@tcchamber.ca

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce has several advertising opportunities available to members and non-members. However, members can take advantage of our advertising opportunities at a discounted price. Advertising with the Chamber offers your company/brand a wide reach and an extremely competitive price. These opportunities include:

Newsletter Ad

Member price: $50 plus HST per newsletter
Non-member price: $75 plus HST per newsletter
Size requirements: 600 pixels wide, no more than 300 pixels high.

Our weekly newsletter is directly emailed to close to 500 people and only one ad is included in each email blast. This is an excellent way for new or existing companies to introduce themselves to our members and inform people on the products and services you offer. You are able to purchase one ad at a time or purchase in bulk to ensure maximum exposure (sold on a first come-first served basis).
*Please note, if you require us to make the ad, an extra cost will be incurred. Please contact us with expectations and we will provide a quote

Banner Ad on the Homepage of our Website

Member price: $100 plus HST per 30 days
Non-member price: $150 plus HST per 30 days
Size requirements: 725 pixels wide, no more than 300 pixels high.

Our website receives thousands of hits per month from people wanting to know what events are coming up with the Chamber and the community at large, as well as from consumers checking our membership directory for specific products, services and shops available in the Truro/Colchester Region. Placing your ad on the homepage of our website ensures thousands of views per month. We can also place your banner ad on additional pages at the cost of $25 per page (in addition to the original member or non-member price for the ad on the homepage).
*Please note, if you require us to make the ad, an extra cost will be incurred. Please contact us with expectations and we will provide a quote. Also, for pages promoting specific Chamber events, only ads from sponsors of the event will be placed on this page)

Event Sponsorship

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of COmmere hosts a number of events throughout the year designed to be educational in nature and an opportunity to network and grow your contact list. These range from Lunch n' Learns with guest speakers to our premiere events such as our Annual Dinner in March, Best of Colchester in June and our Small Business Week Awards night in October. There are different pricing structures and levels of sponsorship available for each individual event. For more information, please email ed@tcchamber.ca  for complete details.

Live Local

The Chamber's Live Local Committee

In 2012, the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce started the "Live Local" committee. It brought together members of the chamber, along with several stakeholders in the community, to determine ways to encourage people to spend their money at businesses located in the Truro/Colchester region, rather than having that money leave the community. Various studies and surveys have shown that many in the local area are choosing to spend their money in outside communities or online, which means nothing is returned to the local economy. Even a small shift in shopping habits would mean more money in the local economy, more jobs and businesses would be better equipped to support local charities, sports teams, events, etc.

The "Live Local" logo displayed on the left was created by local designer Amanda Bent (to view more of Amanda's work, please click here) with input from members of the Live Local committee. It is meant to signify the cycle of investment in the local economy when money is spent in the Truro/Colchester region. For every dollar spent at a local, independently owned business, close to 70% is returned to the local economy by way of payroll, commercial taxes, sponsorships, donations to local charities, etc. For every dollar spent at a national chain in the local area, about 45% is returned. When that money is spent at stores and businesses outside the Truro/Colchester region, or online (unless at a locally located business that has online purchasing options), none of that money is returned to the local economy.
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Colchester Photos


Tidal Bore



This tidal bore phenomenon is unique to the Bay of Fundy, with Cobequid Bay and the Salmon River helping to create this spectacular display. With the incoming tide, the ocean water moves up the narrow neck of the Bay, flowing against the river current and creating a "wall" of water that makes the river appear to be flowing backwards.


To download a copy of 2016 tidal bore times CLICK HERE





Tidal bore times 2016 page 1

Tidal bore times 2016 page 2

Business Links

We realize it can be difficult to find a list of organizations dedicated to helping businesses through the community. Here is a list of several in the Truro/Colchester Region and around Nova Scotia who have resources (whether it be lending power, advice, information, etc.) that can help existing and future entrepreneurs get what they need to start and grow their business. If there is something specific that you are looking for that you can’t find here, please get in touch using the contact us page. If you are looking for a specific product or service for your business (i.e. website design, accounting services, etc.) try our membership directory by clicking here.

Agritech Park

Agritech Park is strongly influenced by one of the most research intensive universities in the country – the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. With a mandate for AgriScience and BioTech excellence, Agritech could be the park for your business to bloom and grow. For more information, click here.

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACoA)

The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency works to create opportunities for economic growth in Atlantic Canada by helping businesses become more competitive, innovative and productive, by working with diverse communities to develop and diversify local economies, and by championing the strengths of Atlantic Canada. For more information, click here.

Atlantic Provinces Chambers of Commerce (APCC)

The Atlantic Provinces Chambers of Commerce (APCC), formerly the Maritime Board of Trade, was formed in 1896. It has been championing the cause of business in Atlantic Canada for more than a century, and continues to promote and support business and economic development in Atlantic Canada. The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is a long-time member of APCC.  For more information, please click here.


BizPaL helps you find the permits and licences you may require when starting or operating your business. Use Step-by-Step instructions when you're looking for permits and licences for a particular business type and its related activities or topics. For more information, click here.

Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)

BDC promotes entrepreneurship by providing highly tailored financing, venture capital and consulting services to entrepreneurs. It focuses on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in sectors such as manufacturing, exporting, innovation and knowledge-based industries. It pays particular attention to start-ups, innovators, fast growth companies, manufacturers and exporters. It also focuses on entrepreneurs who are working to commercialize the fruits of Research and Development to create innovative products and globally successful companies. For more information, click here or call 1-888-463-6232

Canada Business Nova Scotia

Bilingual staff can help you navigate the worlds of government programs and services, regulations and permits, taxation, importing and exporting, market research and much more. You can also access over 2000 business-related publications and valuable licensed databases. For more information, please click here.

Canadian Chamber of Commerce

As Canada’s largest and most influential business association, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the primary and vital connection between business and the federal government. It continually demonstrates impact on public policy and decision-making to the benefit of businesses, communities and families across Canada. The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is a long-time member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. For more information, please click here.

Canadian Youth Business Foundation

Are you an aspiring young entrepreneur, aged 18 to 39, with a solid business idea? Are you looking for the financial support and expert advice that will help you bring your great business idea to life? The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) can help. For more information, please click here.

Centre for Entrepreneurship, Education and Development (CEED)

CEED works with individuals to harness the power of entrepreneurial thinking, and learn the skills of the entrepreneur, in order to make lasting change in their lives, families and communities. It introduces people to entrepreneurship as a way of life and empowers them with the structure and resources they need to take responsibility for their journey. For more information, click here.

Centre for Women in Business

The Centre is a university-based business development centre dedicated to offering practical, results-oriented programs and services for women entrepreneurs across mainland Nova Scotia. Business management training, trade missions, one-to-one business advice, networking and a membership program are among the opportunities the Centre offers to develop and support women-owned enterprises. For more information, click here.

County of Colchester

Colchester is nestled at the head of the world famous Bay of Fundy and is strategically located at the junction of Highway 102 and the Trans-Canada Highway. The Municipality is home to many long established communities including Bible Hill, Old Barns, Brookfield, Upper Stewiacke, Salmon River, Valley, Tatamagouche, North River, Debert and Great Village. For more information, please click here.

Community Business Development Corporation (CBDC)

In Nova Scotia, there are 13 CBDCs offering financial, training and advisory services to entrepreneurs. The CBDCs work collectively through the Nova Scotia Association of CBDCs, an umbrella organization that supports the common needs of the CBDCs. CBDCs share best practices promote entrepreneurship and deliver provincial initiatives such as Students in Business and the Youth Internship Program. For more Information, click here or call 1-888-303-2232.





Downtown Truro Partnership

With over 300 professional, service and retail members represented in the Urban Regional Core, the Downtown Truro Partnership works towards the revitalization of this vibrant business and cultural community. The Downtown Truro Partnership is the marketing and promotions coordinator for the Downtown and coordinates many of the popular events that have become traditional favorites in Downtown Truro, such as the Canada Day fireworks display which attracts approximately 15,000 people, The Santa Claus parade which attracts approximately 16,000 people over a 1.5 kilometer route through the downtown and other activities. For more information, click here.

Nova Scotia Department of Business

. For more information, please click here.

Export Development Canada (EDC)

Canada’s export credit agency, its job is to support and develop Canada’s export trade by helping Canadian companies respond to international business opportunities. EDC provides insurance and financial services, bonding products and small business solutions to Canadian exporters and investors and their international buyers. It also supports Canadian direct investment abroad and investment into Canada. Much of its business is done in partnership with other financial institutions and through collaboration with the government of Canada. For more information, click here.

Industry Canada

Industry Canada works with Canadians in all areas of the economy and in all parts of the country to improve conditions for investment, enhance Canada's innovation performance, increase Canada's share of global trade and build a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace. This includes managing Canada's airwaves and overseeing its bankruptcy, incorporation, intellectual property and measurement systems; providing financing and industry research tools to help businesses develop, import and export; encouraging scientific research; and protecting and promoting the interests of Canadian consumers. For more information, please click here.


Innovacorp helps high potential early-stage Nova Scotia companies commercialize their technologies and succeed in the global marketplace with financial investments. The organization is especially interested in the clean technology, information technology and life sciences industries. Innovacorp is an early-stage venture capital firm. For more information, click here.

Junior Achievement Nova Scotia

Junior Achievement was formed in 1919 and established its first presence in Nova Scotia in 1969. Its mandate is to provide youth across the province with opportunities to learn about business and entrepreneurship. Volunteers from the business community deliver the programs through a variety of classroom activities, discussions, and exercises that simulate real world business practices. For more information, click here.

Labour and Advanced Education (Department of the Nova Scotia Government)

The department of Labour and Advanced Education is responsible for delivering effective and efficient regulatory management for the protection of the health and safety of Nova Scotians. We have a staff of more than 400 employees working from offices throughout Nova Scotia. Many of the department's resources support inspections and monitoring activities. The items we are responsible for include workplace safety, fire safety, alcohol and gaming, pensions, apprenticeship, adult education, and many other facets of everyday life. For more information, please click here.

Millbrook First Nation

The Millbrook First Nation, located adjacent to the Town of Truro, has become a model community for other First Nations across the country. The Millbrook Band has been working progressively to increase economic development in the community and in the early 2000s opened the Truro Power Centre, a business park adjacent to Highway 102. For more information, please click here.

Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI)

NSBI promotes the competitive advantages of doing business in Nova Scotia through our four business units: trade development, business financing, venture capital and investment attraction. It was created in 2001 as Nova Scotia's business development agency led by a private-sector board of directors. To learn more about NSBI, click here.

Town of Stewiacke

Stewiacke (2011 population: 1,438) is a town located in southern Colchester County. The town was incorporated on August 30, 1906. For more information, click here.

Town of Truro

The Town of Truro is a community of approximately 12,500 people located in central Nova Scotia. Truro is known as the “Hub of Nova Scotia”, because of its geographical position and historical significance. In the mid-19th century Truro had become a manufacturing centre and – thanks in large part to the railroad facilities - a natural distribution centre for the province; thereby earning the Town of Truro the nickname “Hubtown.” For more information, please click here.

Truro Power Centre

The Truro Power Centre encompasses acres of premium fully serviced and easily accessible commercial land on the most traveled stretch of highway outside metropolitan Halifax. Since development began in 2000 the initial 46 acres of the Truro Power Centre have been crafted into a hub for retail, recreational and leisure focused businesses. For more information, please click here.

Village of Bible Hill

The Village of Bible Hill is located across the Salmon River from the Town of Truro in Colchester County. The Village was incorporated in 1953 and today, with a population of over 5,000, Bible Hill is a vibrant, primarily residential community. For more information, click here.

The Village of Tatamagouche

Tatamagouche is situated on the Northumberland Strait 50 kilometers north of Truro. Tatamagouche derives its name from the native Mi'kmaq term Takumegooch, roughly translated as 'meeting of the waters.' For more information, click here.







Past Presidents

Past Presidents of the Truro and District Chamber of Commerce (Truro Board of Trade)

The Senate club was formed in 1966 with all past presidents asked to participate.

1932 - D. M. Smith

1933 - R.B. MacLennan

1934 - H. Ward Murdock

1935 - Senator F. M. Blois

1936 - Frank T. Stanfield

1937 - Frank T. Stanfield

1938 - B. C. Holder

1939 - E.B. MacDaniel

1940 - S.E. Archibald

1941 - W. A. Flemming

1942 - W. A. Flemming

1943 - W. A. Flemming

1944 - D. A. Sandilands

1945 - H. B. Goodspeed

1946 - C. G. Mac Leannan

1947 - K. M. Armstrong

1948 - George Wilson

1949 - George Wilson

1950 - G. T. Purdy

1951 - C. Elmer Doyle

1951 - C. Elmer Doyle

1952 - H.I Cornell

1953 - Dr. W.V.Longley

1954 - Wm. H. Yeadon

1955 - B.M. Goodman

1956 - Arlie G. Parks

1957 - J.M. Murphy

1958 - J.M. Murphy

1959 - J.M. Murphy

1960 - D. C. Stephen

1961 - J. Randy Bourgeois

1962 - J. E. Tipler

1963 - Clarence B. Johnson

1964 - Frank R. Fulton

1965 - Ryland L Marshall

1966 - John F. Lawrence

1967 - W.J. Bigelow

1968 - Don A. McLeod

1969 - Eric D Mosher

1970 - Neil N. Mac Lennan

1971 - Logan S. Barnhill

1972 - Don H. Goodspeed

1973 - Henry A. Johnson

1974 - Allan F. Bruce

1975 - W. Frank Harvey

1976 - W. Frank Harvey

1977 - Carl T. Bigelow

1978 - Dr, George Yuill

1979 - Brian E. Ross

1980 - Ira Parker

1981 - Robert Fulton

1982 - A.M. Murchie

1982/83 - Robert Fulton

1983 - Edgar Goss

1984 - Orland Dickson

1985 - Ernie Lund

1986 - John MacDougall

1987 - Phil Rafuse

1988 - George Teed

1989 - Phil Cole

1990 - Mark Mc Crea

1991 - David Curtis

1992 - Wayne Gillis

1993 - Wayne Gillis

1994 - John Kelderman

1995- John Kelderman

1996 - Ed MacDonald

1997- Ed MacDonald

1998 - Dianne Fitzgerald

1999 - Dianne Fitzgerald

2000 - Floyd Gaetz

2001 - Duane Rath

2002 - Bob Williams

2003 - Alain Begin

2004 - Peter Henderson

2005 - Laurie Jennings

2006 - Greg Mosher

2007 - Melody Lockhart

2008- Ted Jordan

2009- Jim Lorraine

2010- Chantale Hache