Video captured at youth symposium event

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce was pleased to partner with Truro & Colchester Partnership for Economic Prosperity, Department of Education, and Futureworx to host a Business and Youth Symposium last fall. The youth of today are our future workforce and entrepreneurs and it was great to connect with them.
Here is how some of them view the future.


Advocating for business, the Chamber is seeking input from members on a pressing issue. Earlier this month the Nova Scotia Minimum Wage Review Committee provided its report making recommendations to Labour Minister Labi Kousoulis. If implemented this would bring the minimum wage from its current $11 an hour to $12.65 by 2021. As of Oct. 1, Nova Scotia had the lowest minimum wage in the country, while Alberta had the highest at $15 an hour.

Kousoulis will make a decision on the minimum wage in early January. As the voice of business for the region the Chamber plans to provide a submission to the minister for consideration and invite all businesses to share their opinions on the potential impacts for them if this recommendation was to be implemented. To share, email [email protected]


Take our survey - CLICK HERE

Call for Submissions- Business Start-up Award

Call for Submissions- Business Start-up Award
The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is pleased to issue a call for submissions for its second annual Start-Up Legacy Award Investing in Entrepreneurs provided in partnership with several of its members to offer support to a budding entrepreneur.
This new award will be presented in October during the Chamber's Small Business Week Awards Luncheon to assist the recipient in taking their venture to the next level.
Its purpose is to identify a viable startup, a business that is just beginning to develop, located within Truro and Colchester region and provide it with a one-time $2,500 cash prize as well as in-kind supports, products and services, from partnering member businesses.
You must live within Truro or Colchester Region
The business must operate within Truro & Colchester Region
Open to an individual or partners with a business idea that needs capital and professional support.
All entrepreneurs must have ideas or business models in the start-up phase and have earned less than $5,000
Your business idea should stand apart from current business offerings, giving you a unique edge on the competition.
Demonstrate the grant money and support services will have a meaningful impact on business growth and job creation in the local area
Click the link below to submit an entry:
Finalists will be contacted to present to a judging panel in early October. The award will be presented at the Chamber's Small Business Awards luncheon, Oct. 18, 12 p.m., Holiday inn and Convention Centre.

Call for nominations 2018 Small Business Awards

Call for Nominations

2018 Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce Small Business Awards


Dear Valued Chamber Member,

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for the following small business awards: New Small Business of the Year, sponsored by Community Credit Union; Small Business Achievement; Export Achievement Award sponsored by NSBI; Small Business Innovation, sponsored by RBC; Excellence in Community Development award sponsored by the Town of Truro; Agriculture/ Agri Small Business Award, sponsored by MNP LLP; and Small Business Growth Award, sponsored by BDC.


Submit a Nomination

Click HERE to download a form or read the award criteria


Thank you for taking time to nominate a local business deserving of recognition.




Sherry Martell
Executive Director
Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce

Chamber asks for a delay in second reading of proposed kennel development By-law

News Release


August 29, 2018


Chamber asks for a delay in second reading of proposed kennel development By-law


TRURO – The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is asking Colchester County Council to delay the second reading of a proposed temporary By-law impacting the development of kennels.

The Chamber has engaged with its members and municipal officials on the issue which has resulted in the submission of several recommendations on the proposed Municipality of the County of Colchester Kennel Development By-law.

“At this time, we are asking that County Council delay the second reading of the proposed By-law in order to allow time for consultation to occur with local businesses that will be affected, as well as to establish a timeline to be included while the land use By-laws are reviewed,” said Chamber president Joanne McRae.

Of particular concern to Chamber members is the lack of timeline associated with the implementation of the proposed By-law which council has indicated would be temporary.

Based on feedback from its membership, the Chamber believes if a By-law of this nature were to remain in effect for an indefinite period of time, there is potential for wide-spread negative impacts to local business of all kinds, from real estate to existing kennels, veterinarians, breeders, groomers, pet supply businesses, trainers, boarding facilities, dog daycares, kennel clubs, professional dog handlers and many others.

“It is unreasonable to expect business to wait an undetermined timeframe for the county to lift a moratorium directly impacting their livelihoods,” said the President.

Colchester County has attracted high-caliber canine events drawing thousands of people to this area and has been home to dogs trained as international champions. The pet industry is a multi-billion dollar business and needs the support of Council to continue to provide economic benefits to this region.

Since 2013 the pet industry has grown 3.8 per cent and was worth more than $7 billion in Canada, with 52 per cent of households having a pet. Colchester County boasts a wide variety of pet-related businesses and is well positioned for economic growth.

The Chamber provided several recommendations to council including a need to clearly outline how proposed new legislation would be enforced and the estimated cost to tax payers.

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is committed to working cooperatively with government to better educate businesses about their legislative obligations and look forward to engaging with the government on this critical issue in future.

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce has been the voice of business in this region for 128 years. It represents more than 400 member businesses and advocates on their behalf at all levels of government on issues of political, economic and social importance.


Read letter submitted to the Municipality of the County of Colchester

Read proposed By-law

Impact Investing Pilot Program Launches in Nova Scotia

(August 13, 2018 – Truro, NS) Social enterprises across the province of Nova Scotia may be eligible for a boost – thanks to an exciting, new pilot program being launched in partnership between Nova Scotia’s credit unions, their trade association, Atlantic Central and the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council.

Launching today, the Impact Investing pilot program will invest up to $25,000 into eligible Nova Scotia social enterprises who are making a real impact in their communities. Social enterprises can be a not-for-profit, a Co-operative or a privately owned enterprise that has a social mission and are delivering social impacts.  Applicants must be providing a service that meets a need in their community or is helping under-served populations.

“The capital available through the program is intended as an investment in our communities” says Dianne Kelderman, President and CEO of the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council. “The Nova Scotia Co-operative Council and credit unions have a long history of giving back to the places we call home, so this is a natural fit and an extension of what we already do”

Interested social enterprises are encouraged to apply for funding by visiting their local credit union or connecting with the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council. Enterprises must prove that they are financially sustainable and have support within their local area.

Applications for the pilot will remain open until September 17th with funding recipients being announced later this fall.

Documents and further information can be found at

About Atlantic Central

Atlantic Central is the trade association that represents 50 member-owned credit unions across Atlantic Canada.


About the Nova Scotia-Cooperative Council

The Nova Scotia Co-operative Council is the economic development arm of the Nova Scotia Co-operative and Credit Union system. The Council represents 322 Co-operative businesses who employ over 11,000 Nova Scotians and have over $5.2 billion at work in our provincial economy.

Coalition to Keep Trade Free established

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is joining the  Canadian Chamber of Commerce  to rally the business community through its Coalition to Keep Trade Free, and we are inviting you to participate.

Members  can show support by joining the Coalition to add your logo to the Keep Trade Free website and to share its messages on your social media platforms using #KeepTradeFree.

"Now, more than ever before, we need a consistent, strong voice making the case for freer
trade, " says Canadian Chamber President Perrin Beatty.
The coalition objectives are simple:advocating for freer trade within North America and around the world; andbuilding the case for a modernized NAFTA that will grow our economies and make us
globally competitive.
Click HERE to read a letter from Perrin Beatty.

Chamber soliciting feedback on need for E-commerce education

Dear Valued Chamber Member;

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce is committed to providing educational opportunities for our members.
This questionnaire is to determine the interest and needs for E-commerce training for our members. If you are interested in implementing or upgrading your e-commerce business, or just want to learn more about 'How To' for E-commerce, please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire as it will help us to understand what topics need to be covered by those interested.
All results will be kept confidential.
We would also ask you to take a few minutes to view your listing on our online member's directory on the Chamber website, . Please email updates to [email protected].  Members are also welcome to call the office to share any updated information 902-895-6328.

CLICK HERE to participate in the four-question survey

5 Minutes for Business: Latest on Canada-U.S. Tariffs

5 Minutes for Business: Latest on Canada-U.S. Tariffs

In this edition of 5 Minutes for Business, Canadian Chamber of Commerce Director of International Affairs, Mark Agnew, takes stock of the latest Canada-U.S. tariffs and examines what could come next and how it could impact Canadian business.

On June 1—and in the absence of any cogent justification—Canadian steel was hit with a 25% tariff and aluminum with a 10% tariff. Unfortunately, these actions necessitated a proportionate response to attempt to encourage the U.S. administration to reverse these unwarranted tariffs on Canadian exports.

At time of writing, there has been relative silence from President Trump on Canada’s retaliatory tariffs. But, how long will he remain quiet and what will be his next move?

Read 5 Minutes for Business to learn more.

Canadian Chamber: Immediate retaliatory action required in response to U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs

Ottawa, May 31, 2018 – Hon. Perrin Beatty, President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce issued the following statement today in response to the U.S. government’s decision to impose tariffs  on Canada’s steel and aluminum industries:

“Today’s decision by the U.S. Administration ignores the truth about Canada’s relationship with the U.S., will do nothing to address the issue of dumping, and will ultimately hurt businesses, jobs and the economies of both countries.

“The Canadian Chamber calls on the federal government to respond quickly and in a manner strong enough to obtain an exclusion for Canada. We need to act vigorously to support our domestic industries, and to send a message to the U.S. Administration that their unilateral protectionist measures will not come without a serious cost to themselves.

“Canada is an ally, supplier to and customer of the U.S. We are partners in NATO and NORAD. Our steel and aluminum industries are a source of critical supply for American manufacturers and its defence industry. Business, defence and political leaders of all stripes and on both sides of our border understand this and we remain grateful for the strong support they have shown.

“We applaud the Government of Canada’s work to date on behalf of our steel and aluminum industries and urge them to advocate for a reversal of these punitive measures. In the meantime, and in addition to implementing retaliatory measures in response to today’s U.S. decision, we ask that the federal government continue its ongoing work to ensure that steel and aluminum are not dumped into Canada from third countries.”