
Advertise with the Chamber of Commerce

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce has several advertising opportunities available to members and non-members. However, members can take advantage of our advertising opportunities at a discounted price. Advertising with the Chamber offers your company/brand a wide reach and an extremely competitive price. These opportunities include:

Newsletter Ad 

Member price: $50 plus HST per newsletter
Non-member price: $100 plus HST per newsletter
Size requirements: 600 pixels wide, no more than 300 pixels high.

Our weekly newsletter is directly emailed to close to 900 people. This is an excellent way for new or existing companies to introduce themselves to our members and inform people on the products and services you offer. You are able to purchase one ad at a time or purchase in bulk to ensure maximum exposure (sold on a first come-first served basis).
*Please note, if you require us to make the ad, an extra cost will be incurred. Please contact us with expectations and we will provide a quote

 Ad on Events and Directory Pages of our Website

Member price: $100 plus HST per 30 days
Non-member price: $200 plus HST per 30 days

Our website receives thousands of hits per month from people wanting to know what events are coming up with the Chamber and the community at large, as well as from consumers checking our membership directory for specific products, services and shops available in the Truro/Colchester Region. Placing your ad on the homepage of our website ensures thousands of views per month.
*Please note, if you require us to make the ad, an extra cost will be incurred. Please contact us with expectations and we will provide a quote. Also, for pages promoting specific Chamber events, only ads from sponsors of the event will be placed on this page)

Event Sponsorship

The Truro & Colchester Chamber of Commerce hosts a number of events throughout the year designed to be educational in nature and an opportunity to network and grow your contact list. These range from Lunch n’ Learns with guest speakers to our premiere events such as our Annual Dinner Gala and Awards in the spring and our Small Business Week Awards  in October. There are different pricing structures and levels of sponsorship available for each individual event. For more information, please email [email protected]  for complete details.